Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So here we go!

It's the first official online day of blogging with the Regans, and I think I'm up for the task.  I may not update it daily as I had hoped, but I hope to update it on a semi-regular basis. 


For those of you who I haven't caught up with lately, Emily is now walking, albeit cautiously!  It was only a few weeks ago that she stood up by herself and took three steps, and now she's walking all over the place with only a few spills in between.  Very exciting for us, and I think for her - she seems so proud of herself when she walks, with a big smile on her face every time. 

She's 1!

We celebrated Emily's 1st birthday party up at my parents house in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin on August 23, her actual birthday.   It was a small family party, the weather was perfect and we all had a good time.  To go along with the cupcake theme, I made my first official birthday cake, a yellow cake with vanilla and strawberry frosting, shaped like a giant cupcake.

And Pat, not to be outdone, made some killer kabobs. They looked so professional I had to take a photo:

Being her first birthday and all, Emily had to try some cake, and Pat and I were dying to see what she'd do with it, thinking (hoping?) she'd do something dramatic like smashing it in her face.  Instead, she wasn't quite sure about it.   She picked it up very daintily and smushed the frosting in her fingers for what seemed like an eternity before putting any in her mouth.  If you can't picture it, we've provided the visual.  Here's Emily right after tasting her first piece of birthday cake:

Not being the frosting lover myself, I can relate to this face - it's probably the same one I make when I accidentally bite into a piece of icing.  

It wasn't the exact Kodak moment we were looking for, but it was adorable nonetheless.    Pat and I both can't believe the year went by so quickly, when just a year ago she looked like this:

Here are some additional photos from the day:


Das Mutter said...

Glad to have ya on board! ;) It takes a little getting used to and fuzting around with the settings. Congrats on Emily walking--that's great!

Das Mutter said...

Yay pictures! I love the last one of Emily laughing. And you've got a little hidden talent, my dear, with the cake! Nice work! You'll have to let me know how you did it---did you cut it out or put two together? Very cute.

Jennifer Gonzales said...

I really like the cake you made. She is adorable! Happy Birthday to Emily!

Troop 8060 said...

She's adorable Kel. I can see some of your mother in law in her face in some of those. :) It looks like she had a great time and the cake is fabulous! Great work.

Unknown said...

How fun....great pics! Can't wait for more updates from the Regans.